Monday, September 30, 2019

Nursing and Student

INTRODUCTION The aims of the assignment is to examine how the reflective account or our experience of facilitating learning opportunities assessing and teaching a student will help the future development with in the mentor or practice teacher role. In order to achieve this teaching session, educational theories. The formulation of a lesson plan wills be included focusing on my objectives rational for my action. In assessment session a brief Introduction will be given on relevant theories, concepts and principles of assessment in practice with further discussion of the assessment process. Assessing a student in clinical area will take place.Effectiveness of my mentoring will be critically analysed and skills in teaching and assessing will be reflected up on evaluation of developing my mentorship role will be discussed, highlighting any changes that can be made to my practice to improve mentorship. It has now mandatory requirement that qualified nurses and midwives becomes mentors affe ct one year of registration and practice (N. M. C 2008). Mentors play a vital role in supporting, teaching and assessing students in practice Quinn (2007) define a mentor as someone who experienced, and many cases more senior than the learner, and who provide support, encouragement, and guidance.PART II : ROLE AS A MENTAR An N. M. C. 2008 mentor is registrant who following successful completion of an N. M. C approved mentor preparation programme. According to N. M. C mentor should exclusive the knowledge, skills and competence are required to meet the defined outcome. Mentors are responsible and accountable for organizing and co-ordinating students learning activities in practice (N. M. C 2008). Mentor need to supervising students in learning situations and providing them with constructive feed back on their achievements. Mentor should assess the total performance including skills, attitudes and behaviours.The fitness for practice and purpose report of the U. K. C. C. post Commissio n Development Group 2001 looked at the competencies of newly qualified Nurses. They concluded that the mentor was to be responsible to contribute constructively to the learning environment for the evidence progress of student, be approachable and supportive to gain confidence of the students have knowledge of assessment tools to assess the competence in order to ensure patient safety, be competent to share knowledge of patient care, make time for interviews to discuss the specific requirements of the student.Provide time for reflection and encourage enquiry based learning. As per N. M. C 2008 there is a developmental frame work to support learning and assessment in practice. There are 8 dominants in the frame work. It includes: 1Establishing effective working relationship 2Facilitation of learning 3Assessment and accountability 4Evaluation of learning 5Creating an environment for teaching 6Evidence based practice 7Leadership As per N. M. C standard Student need to spend minimum 40% of the time with their mentor.As a role as mentor, their knowledge, skills and competency need to update ongoing basis. Each mentors as reviewed every 3 years to ensure that only those who continue to meet the mental requirements. Remain on the local register mentor at least two student with due regard with in 3 years period participate annual updating. Duffy states that N. M. C. Standard for the preparation of mentors provides a tool for preparation but it is the mentor knowledge, skills, ineffectively arrying out their role that protect the public by ensuring that students who are lacking incompetence do not progress to become registered nurse or midwives. The reality of being a mentor is that as per R. C. N tool kit for Nurses 2007 all mentors supporting students, gain registration, have responsibility to ensure that they are fit. Mentor should be prepared to assess student performance in practice and will be accountable for their decision to pass, refer or fail a student. N. M.C recognise that failing student may be difficult and that all assessment decision must be evidence based, mentor should recognise various assessment†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦that direct care, simulation, OSCES and other†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Common criteria for sign off mentor, the N. M. C states Registrant who makes judgement about whether a student has achieved the required standards of proficiency for safe and effective practise must be on the same part or sub part of the register as that which the student is intending to enter. Only sing off mentors and practise teachers that are the same part of the register and the same field of practise.May confirm to N. M. C that student have met relevant standards of proficiency for the particular programme leading to registration. Signing off proficiency must be assessed by all existing sign-off mentor at least 3 occasions. The role of mentor on the preparation of practitioners who are fit for practice is paramount. However mentor need to be supported in her demanding role (Glyniscells pellet 2006). Mentors in the study identified constraints on their role owing to staff shortage, busy clinical work atmosphere, too many students.This result in lack of time to spend with students and left mentor feeling guilty. Kathleen Duffy (2004) identified some mentors failed to fail students early on their programme, pick things up later. Nurse mentors are faced with many difficulties in fulfilling the dual role of facilitator and assessor (Sharples Ketal 2007) ASSESSMENT Assessment defined as the measurement of candidate’s level of competence in theoretical and practical Nursing Skills (Brooker 2001, as cited in Howard and Eaton, 2003, page 46).Assessment in clinical practice ensures safety and competent standard of practice. Assessment is a critical element of the mentoring process, as Duffy (2204) explains mentors must ensure that assessment of clinical skills does occur as required. Many mentors have been passing students who should have failed in the hope that they will improve later although they are aware that this puts patients at risk. Kathleen Duffy was commissioned by the N. M. C to investigate the reasons for this.The four main issue is that emerged in her report of January 2003 included the mentor leaving the indication to the student about their problem for too late in their placement, the mentor having difficulty to take action during their placement because such action could eventually cause critical consequences to the student, the mentor having to face the challenge of a weak student because Nursing is viewed as a caring profession and such action would be uncaring and lack of adequate time for assessors in the clinical environment to work with students (Fraser et al 1998), lack of support for the mentor from lecturers when faced with a fail situation (Sharp 2000). Stuart (2007 page 1) defined assessment as the judgement of performance during clinical practice and any other ways of measuring profession al learning. There are 3 methods of assessment. They are Continuous Assessment, Formative Assessment and Summative assessment. Continues assessment provides a measure of how the student is progressing according to the level and knowledge expected at each stage of their training (R. C. N 2007).The assessment consists of formative and summative dimensions, the later being as all the outputs from the student in the clinical area are observed, providing opportunities for Nursing Practice to be explored and not missed. Gibbs (1998) suggests that assessment should be continues as they are more authentic. Formative assessment occurs throughout the placement and during learning activities using feedback and feed forward and can determine whether re-explanation, arrangement of further practice or moving to the next level is required. Summative assessment normally takes place at the end of the placement and focuses on how much students have learned and have the learning outcomes been met. It does judge achievement of the specified competencies for the student to progress in training.The formative and summative assessment are reliant on each other as Formative Assessment provides a facilitating process which guides and increases learning and serves to give a series assessments whereby a summative assessment can be made. Regardless of the type of assessment, employed every effective assessment must meet the four cardinal criteria. Which are Validity, Reliability, Discrimination and Utility (M. Quinn 2007). Dogra and Wass (2006) note any assessment of clinical performance need to accommodate the diversity of patients and their needs. So performance is judged in terms of cultural sensitivity. A mentor has an important part to play in the assessment of practical work, as well as providing education, role modelling and direct feed back (Nicklin & Ken worthy 2000).We assess the knowledge of the students and how competent they are (what) (In the case of the student nurse, how c ompetent she is in administering oral drugs). The staff nurse achieved this by asking the questions set out in the lesson plan (appendix 4) and evaluating the return demonstration. We assess because (why) we need to test the progress of the student, provide feedback to learners leading to future improvement and demonstrate to students that they have attained a goal or acquired a new skill (Cox & Harper 2000). In this situation, the staff nurse assessed (How) the skills and competency of the student through questioning and observing the return demonstration.As part of the preparation for the role of the mentor, the assessment of the student nurse related to the practical procedure of drug administration began prior to the procedure itself. The student mentor assisted the learner previously with information about other topics and skills in the clinical environment which helps her to reduce assessment stress as the learner was comfortable due to previous interactions as predicted by Ca lnan, 1983. In addition to this, to ensure that all relevant issues were covered, the mentor observed the student throughout the lesson by using a performance checklist as stated by Quinn, 2000 (p. 231) which was designed to identify the knowledge, skills and attitude required for efficient performance.The mentor also communicated clearly and assertively, which helps to interact in a more effective way (Wondrak, 1998). He gave verbal guidance to the learner and informed the student, prior to approaching the ward area that feed back would be presented in the privacy of the office to avoid embarrassment and promote confidence and discussion between the two. When I assessed my student the assessment tool choose to use observation and the use of checklist. Questioning, an important part of the assessing was aided by blooms classification system which enabled the student mentor to ask questions at different intellectual levels to determine the level of knowledge of the student. The learn er received ample time to answer the questions to her full potential.To facilitate self reflection, the staff nurse encouraged the student to discuss (Muijs & Reynolds, 2005) upon her own performance and the students realised how the assessment enhanced here knowledge. A mentor is also provided with the privilege to provide feed back targeting the improvement of the student. The staff nurse chose to give constructive feed back where criticism follows praise and then ends with a positive note which is hoped to give the student adequate confidence to deal with more negative aspects of his/her performance (Neary, 2000). The assessing section of the teaching session proved comparatively easier. I used Blooms Classification system to formulate questions at different intellectual levels in order to understand extend of the student knowledge.The practical demonstration was easy to assess as the checklist provided the exact actions that I should be looking for an assessing. I felt confident while assessing the student and observed every step he took carefully. Assessing is something that I thought it is always done automatically rather than theoretically and methodically it was quite interesting to relate it to theory. My assessor was pleased with my performance and advised me to keep it up. I think my confidence in the subject influenced the student to learn more from me as the image presented through usually givers other a good impression. If a situation arises again I would try my best to keep up my good performance. I feel that the improvement I could make realise on time.I should probably try to make the session longer so that the student has enough and more time to understand, improve, reflect and perfect. It would also help me to build up a better support with the student. This session provided me enough confidence. TEACHING Professional teaching in Nursing, Midwifery and Specialist Community Public Health Nursing, teaching is an International Enterprise that a ims to facilitate learning. It is characterised by an acceptance of responsibility for facilitating other people’s learning by means of planned and purposeful educational interventions (Quinn 2007 p. 183). Teaching can either be formal or informal. Formal is normally pre-planned whereas informal teaching tends to be spontaneous (Hinchiff 2004).For effective teaching to be carried out, it is important to understand the process of learning. Reece & Walker (2000) defines learning as a relatively permanent change. There are different learning theories associated with teaching, firstly, behaviourism, this theory is based on stimulus and response Pavlow (1936 – 1949) among other physiologist experimented on this theory. The humanist theory is however linked to feelings and experience. Maslow (1971) defines this theory as motivation and hierarchy of needs. Meaning the student must identify what he or she wants to learn. Lastly, the cognitive theory, this theory involves think ing and the mind.According Hinchiff (2004) suggest that some key elements are essential in creating a good environment for the student, which are approachable staff, welcoming confident enough to share knowledge supportive, helpful, available and contactable and knowledgeable. Teaching session was carried out to prepare staff nurse to be a mentor oral drug administration was the topic chosen for this session. The rationale for this decision is the fact it is an integral part of a patients care. I notice that numerous management students have been failing their drug assessment test. There are two management students in our ward, next week they have a drug exam. I choose this topic to try to create a difference to these unfortunate occurrences.Knowles indicate that adults are self directed and expect to take responsibility for decisions motivated about by the identification of humanistic needs (Knowles 1985). My students are adult and thus I chose andragogy to teach my students. Andra gogy is defined as the art and science of helping adults to learn. In contrast pedagogy, which can be defined as the art and science of teaching children (Knowles 1973)? According to Knowles 1990, andragogy is where a student controlled approach is employed and thus enhance the students self concept, promotes autonomy, self direction and critical thinking. While encouraging reflection on experience and involves student in the diagnosis, planning, enacting and allows the student to evaluate his or her own learning needs (Knowles 1990).On other hand, Pedagogy implies that learning occurs as a result of the input of others, the student – teacher relationship is unequal – student’s look-up to their teacher, teaching methods is teacher-led and the teacher accepts responsibility for the students learning (Hinchiff 2004 p. 69). The session took place in the staff room at the acute respiratory unit on Tuesday afternoon at 16. 30 hrs commenced after coffee break. The tim e chooses as there would be less activity compared to morning time. The rationale for this decision was to maximize concentration by the student and me (Gibbs 1998). The room was calm and quiet and devoid of any disturbance. It was also well ventilated, spacious and bright which ensured comfort for everyone in to the room. The atmosphere was positive for learning. The session was well planned and the room was arranged beforehand to produce the best possible learning atmosphere.The student mentor prepared handouts for the students prior to the teaching session in order to provide record of what had to be taught (Hinchiff 2004). The mentor prepared a lesson plan before the lesson, thus ensuring that everything was prepared; she made SMART aims and objectives (Hinchiff 2004) to reach perfectionism. British National Formulary was used to teach the student where to look for information pertaining to groups of drugs. The domains of learning described in Booms Taxonomy were used for the se ssion. In Bloom’s Taxonomy, the Domains of learning include Cognitive, the Psychomotor and the affective (Bloom 1972). I started the session by introducing myself and my assessor to the students. In addition I explained the aims and objectives of the lesson.Then I asked some few question regarding the drug administration (Cox & Harper 2000) to understand the scope of the student’s previous knowledge us it. The staff used Bloom’s Taxonomy of educational objectives (1956) to formulate questions at different intellectual levels (Bloom 1956) in the session. Staff Nurse described the N. M. C. guidelines and Whippscross Policy of oral drug administration. The Staff Nurse used a drug chart and explained to the student how to read it, explained the important document features to ensure safety. At the end of session the staff nurse demonstrate to the student the administration of oral drugs. The mentor followed the step by step policies of the N. H. S. efore and after th e administration of the drug while explaining the rationale for each action. After her demonstration, he asked the student for a return demonstration to facilitate evaluation. Finally, a short feed back session was held in the office and the student was provided with the opportunity to clarify her queries. The staff nurse began with positive feed back and then moved on to negative and constructive feed back. Ultimately the student asked to complete questionnaire to evaluate the session (see appendix 3). After the session, my assessor and myself sat down to reflect on the session. He gave me aspiring feedback about the session. ReflectionReflection is a process of reviewing an experience of practice in order to describe, analyse, evaluate and to inform learning about practice (Reid 1993). Reflection enables the practitioner to explore, understand and develop meaning, and also highlights contradictions between theory and practice (Johns 1995). Reflection can be two categories namely r eflection on action, which involves looking back at events that have occurred and reflection in action, which involves learning as it happens and adapting to new situations (Bulman & Schutz 2004). Baud et al (1998) defined reflection as an active process of exploration and discovery which often lead to much unexpected outcomes.Reflection helps to create an environment where professionals are helped to analyse and review their practice, thus enabling the professional to work in a more responsive, creative and untimely more effective manner (Redmond 2004). Reflection has been analysed by many and models have been designed to facilitate reflection. I choose the model, Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle (1998) to help me reflect on my session. I incorporated it into the teaching and assessing of my lesson for a methodical approach. Reflection is said to encourage practitioners to challenge the way they think, feel and believe (Burnard 1989). Reflecting on an experience is a highly skilled a ctivity, it requires an ability to analyse action to make judgements regarding their effectiveness in particular situations.Clearly, Boyd & Fales see self awareness and learning from experience as the key features of reflection. In Reflection, I felt that , humanistic approach was effective as it helped to make the student felt good about her. Contrary to my early fears, the students appeared to be confident about what she needed to know and asked questions accordingly. I would use pictorial demonstrations because this would have reduced the number of doubts that the students presented as many areas would have been self explanatory. Conclusion To develop the role of the mentor, I have made some recommendations. Staffs needs to be encouraged the student to teaching is a part of their role and need to be enthusiastic about this.Attending regular mentorship updates in order to provide relevant, evidenced based information and keep abreast of developments in students teaching may motiva te them and enhance professional development. A regular informal meeting at L. S. B. U between students and mentors to identify problems that arise and act accordingly. This would give both parties the opportunity to discuss what is expected and reduce barriers in the learning /teaching role and may improve the working relationship between mentors and students. Regular audit which are useful in identifying strength and weakness for teaching in the clinical area and all staff are to take part, they should be informed of date and time of audit and have the opportunity to participate in the ward evaluation. In conclusion becoming a mentor is one of the difficult roles of the nurse.It is a very big and serious responsibility because it is in the hands of a mentor to shape the development of the potentials and skills of the students. It is not just teaching a student, what he or she knows, it is about making sure that students will be knowledgeable and competent, enough to practice as a Professional Nurse in the future. Mentors are essential part of the Nursing Students and prepare the next generations to inherit our jobs and further improvement. To let students achieve their maximum potential, supportive and experienced mentors are required. An incompetent and different mentor could impair the students motivation to learn and thus create choose in the future.The N. M. C guidelines state that mentors are essential, however I am afraid they have left out the fact that enough time is also required to maintain the high standards set. This would ensure that students stretch their abilities to the maximum and that mentors are able to reflect upon their experiences and thus improve and perfect themselves to become much more experienced and competent. 10th December, 2008 To, Pauline Mills, Dear Madam, Please find enclosed herewith my mentorship essay preparation. Kindly check and re-correct the essay and return it at your earliest. Thanking you, Yours truly, SARAMMA KORUL LA Encl: Mentorship Essay (p. 1 -11)

The Good Woman of Setzguan Brecht

Tee's forced choice to become Shush Ta underscores the impossibility of good and veil's coexistence. Through Sheen Tee's exploitation by the family and the unemployed man and through the extravagant demands Of many Of her acquaintances, the playwright argues the selfishness and nonchalance which infect people's public relations, creating an ominous environment for good to exist in. Hence, he provides Sheen Et with a male self to supply her with characteristics acceptable for the masculine gender such s forcefulness, aggressiveness and determination, impressively succeeding in good and veil's parallel existence.Undoubtedly, the writer equips Sheen Et with the indispensable weapons – on Shush Tat's character – to survive society's cruelty while protecting her humanity, goodness and generosity – on her real character. Further in the play, Breech brings out love's obliteration within a selfish world through a woman's hopeless attempts to conceal her loving feelings a nd the pain of betrayal behind the mask of a powerful man. Yang Son's separate attempt to use Sheen Tee's love for the attainment of his dreams boldly shows the estrangement and inhumanity of the capitalistic society.On top of that, the confection of Shush Tat's character deftly highlights how much the emotional and sensitive disposition of the feminine belies the non- emotional and tough-skinned disposition of the masculine. Admittedly, Breech stirs the audience up by roughly displaying the protagonist fighting her own male creation, fragmented between her love and her need to resist manipulation and society's immense hypocrisy. Furthermore, Sheen Et making use of her male â€Å"other†, assures herself financially constructing a lucrative business which helps her through a rapacious society.The protagonist appears as a former prostitute, pregnant, in need of money and with her power doomed in a stupor by society taboos. Thus, she adopts a split personality to gain the determ ination and social approval which allow her to work and secure her family. As we can easily perceive, Shush Ta is the â€Å"means† to achieve two genders' coexistence despite their incompatible complexions and to display women's inferior position in he area of employment – causing them insuperable hardships – due to society stereotypes regarding their identity,.To conclude, Breech, through his ingenuity to create Sheen Tee's male â€Å"other†, not only underscores love and good's non-existence in a capitalistic and debased world, but also displays society discriminations against women who – cruelly oppressing their own nature – masculine themselves to survive. Undoubtedly, the playwright remarkably provokes audience and reader roughly revealing an appalling capitalism, unable to satisfy any kind of love, benevolence and justice.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Accessing the Online Student Edition of the Glencoe IPC Textbook

Accessing the Online Student Edition of the Glencoe IPC Textbook Go to www. glencoe. com Select Texas from the pull-down â€Å"state† box Click student/parent Select â€Å"science† from the pull-down menu Click enter Select Texas Science Select the first book: Introduction to Texas Integrated Physics and Chemistry The following URL should appear in the address bar http://www. glencoe. com/sites/texas/student/science/index. html Put your cursor over the â€Å"Online Student Edition† and you will get a roll-over menu:Sample Full Version Select â€Å"Full Version† and type in the following: Select â€Å"Contents in Brief† Select â€Å"Table of Contents† At this point you will be able to navigate throughout the book. The other features can be accessed in a similar manner. Accessing the Online Student Edition of the Glencoe IPC Textbook Go to www. glencoe. com Select Texas from the pull-down â€Å"state† box Click student/parent Select â₠¬Å"science† from the pull-down menu Click enter Select Texas ScienceSelect the first book: Introduction to Texas Integrated Physics and Chemistry The following URL should appear in the address bar http://www. glencoe. com/sites/texas/student/science/index. html Put your cursor over the â€Å"Online Student Edition† and you will get a roll-over menu: Sample Full Version Select â€Å"Full Version† and type in the following: TXIPC 9UKASp73hu Select â€Å"Contents in Brief† Select â€Å"Table of Contents† At this point you will be able to navigate throughout the book. The other features can be accessed in a similar manner.

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Individual with a Strong Will Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5

The Individual with a Strong Will - Essay Example I am an individual with a strong will, and this is depicted through the various challenges I have faced, and the manner in which I was able to overcome these challenges. For instance, in one given time, I was very sick, diagnosed by Pneumonia. The doctors gave me some prescriptions, and initially I was reluctant to take these medicines. This is because of the phobia that I had, in regard to the use of medicine. However, because of my will to get well, I forced myself to take the medications, without guidance from the nurse, or even my parents. This was a great surprise to my parents, who were expecting a fight, when it came to convincing me, to take the medication.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   My strong will and exceptional optimism are also seen in my desire to achieve the highest degree in business and become an influential business personality. For example, my passion for business began after studying the successes of Warren Buffet, one of the richest and successful business personalities in the world. I learned that to succeed, an individual has to take some risks in life. Therefore, I saved some money and decided to invest in the stock market. Due to my inexperience, I invested the money in the shares of Noble Energy. Because of my inexperience, I thought that because the company operates in the energy industry, then its shares will be on an increase. However, this was not the case, and this is because of the falling prices of oil (Yetiv, 56). This has made the share price of the company to fall. This is from 50 dollars a share, to approximately 48 dollars per share. However, it should be noted that the share prices of the company used to sell at 70 dollars share, as of the year 2014 (Yetiv, 14). Because I am an optimistic person, and I believe that in the long run, the prices of oil will stabilize, and the share prices of Noble Energy will begin to rise. Therefore, I am still holding on my shares, and I do not have an intention of selling them.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Pest analysis that influences the grocery market in the uk Essay

Pest analysis that influences the grocery market in the uk - Essay Example By use of PEST model, the analysis will expound on the following macro factors: political, economical, social and technological factors prevailing in the market. UK’s grocery market has been positively impacted by the government regulations. As a pertinent congruent of the UK’s economy, the government has instituted regulatory policy framework aimed at monitoring the sector. The regulatory framework provides the guidelines for a myriad key of keys issues including business registration, health and hygiene standards. Through the integration of EU provisions by the Food Standard Agency (FSA), UK’s grocery industry is subject to food hygiene standards, business set up, food safety and marketing guidelines. The government has further revised the competition law in accordance with the provisions of European Commission’s white paper dated 2014. Under article 101 of EU’s treaty on the functioning of the European Union, grocery enterprise are banned from engaging in agreements that could either lead to prevention or restriction of competition in the subject market (IGD, 2015). The Scottish independence referendum w as also a key factor in UK’s grocery market in 2014. With the prospective of a positive vote for the independence of Scotland, grocery stores were bound to experience increased overhead cost that would have eventually been passed to Scottish consumers. The positive outlook of the UK‘s grocery market has been underlined with the intensified competition in the industry. UK’s economy continues to recover from 2013 with the real GDP growth projections for 2015 and 2016 standing at 2.5 % and 2.3 % respectively (PWC, (2015). Consequently, UK’s economic growth has given rise to disposable income of UK consumers thereby leading to heightened consumer purchasing power. The leading grocery stores in the UK have further globalized their operations to fortify their financial resources through

HR google case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

HR google case study - Essay Example In human resource management studies theories do not match exactly with the observations of the reality. These divergences between the reality and the theory are described by the largely by the chaos theory. Almost all business houses use this theory to manage their internal human resources. But some of them apply their own understanding of the theory and management system. Google is one of those business houses which are more concerned about applying their own style of chaos management. This paper tries to evaluate Google’s chaos management style and its advantages and disadvantages and also tries to judge whether this strategy can be sustainably used in the future. Importance of chaos management style: Chaos management style is not a new concept. In 1988 Tom Peter, in his book Thriving on Chaos: Handbook for a Management Revolution, has shown the importance of the theory in management theories. During this era most of the businesses and managers were in the same line regardi ng their view on chaos in the management. They have argued that chaos needs to be avoided at any cost. Chaos in the management system was one of the most hated concepts by the managers and businesses. But once managers have realised that they have to survive in the new, fast-growing world they have to learn more about the theory and to apply it in the context of their businesses. With the disappearance of the ordered working class, electrical type writers and mailing posts the need for understanding and need to apply the theory in favour of the growth of businesses started to rise. In this regard the company that has learnt used the theory was Goolge. The company has used the theory at large in their human resource management strategies and has increased its profits and revenues to great extent (Googling out of control: Can Google’s chaos management style ensure continuing success?, 2007, p.25). Brief history of Google: Larry Page and Sergey Brin, two graduate students at Sta nford University in California, developed Google as a search engine as part of their graduate research project. In 1996 Google was first introduced as a search engine in Stanford University’s internal wed sites. From 1998 it became the complete commercial company. After its foundation it became the largest search engine company in the world. Google and chaos management system: Google is a prominent example of the company that has used chaos and has succeeded to earn profits from it. With the advent of use of new technologies in the businesses the need for the theory increased at a large scale. While traditional businesses were more concerned about manufacture, sale and distribute goods and services, modern businesses use technologies at large scales and their companies cover large areas of businesses. Hence, the need for understanding and using the theory is more for them. Rapid uses of Internet, cell phones, fax, photocopies have made all these businesses to apply the theory . Hence, people started to use the theory in different internal and external structures of their business organisations. Google understands this fact and starts to apply the theory in its human resource management section and have gained large benefits. The chaos management system is one of the most important ways to handle the modern working environment â€Å"where information ‘‘storms’’ can create information overload†

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Letter Concerning Toleration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Letter Concerning Toleration - Essay Example According to John Locke in his Letter Concerning Tolerance, the state and the church are perfectly distinct and infinitely different entities (Locke 24). In his opinion, the magistrate has no role in matters of religion. The main functions of the state are to protect life, people’s liberty, and their properties. Every entity in the society is limited to its functions and protection of souls is not one of the states functions but rather the function of the church. Therefore, by creating laws to criminalize the use the hallucinogenic mushroom, the stipulations describing how the drug is not fit for consumption and what makes it criminal should apply to all individual citizens of the state in the bid to uphold democracy and protection of peoples lives and liberty. Allowing some religions to use the drug while restricting others is a true description of what Locke refers to as intolerance. It is a definite case of a state showing coercion of citizens to convert to certain religion s. This is because conversion to the exempted religion would allow those people with the urge to use the drug a right to the drug. The American flag and patriotism Reciting the pledge of allegiance while facing the American flag as a show of patriotism is not wrong even in Locke’s point of view. This is because Locke is precise and categorical about the extend to which the state can make wrong moves in controlling religious practices and the main factor of consideration is the essence of everything that the state implements as a rule for every citizen. The only wrong move that the state could take in such a case is to connect the reciting of the pledge of allegiance while facing the American flag to matters of religion. In this case, the state has not made connections of religious beliefs to the aspect of reciting the pledge of allegiance while facing the American flag. In addition to this, the state makes itself clean in this case by ensuring that this aspect is practiced by all citizens of America regardless of their religious affiliations as a show of patriotism to the state. It is for the parents to these children to differentiate matters of religion from undertaking universal activities that are meant to show patriotism to the state. The state never intended to connect the action of reciting the pledge of allegiance while facing the American flag with matters of the soul. Nonetheless, subscribing as a citizen of a certain state or nation means that one has made the choice of being patriotic to the particular state. The Christian minister The case of the Christian minister presents a very controversial aspect in consideration of Locke’s views in the letter concerning tolerance. The controversy is presented in the fact that both the state and the Christian minister would agree and disagree with Locke’s ideas at some point. In Locke’s view, there should be religious tolerance among churches as a factor that would foster peace in t he society. The minister was not wrong to criticize another religious sect in the congregation of his religious sect in order to persuade his people to choose his religion but he had no right to threaten to burn the Koran as it would be fostering a totalitarian ideology that Locke is against. He is correct in Locke’

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Life of Charlemagne Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Life of Charlemagne - Essay Example However, in the bibliography that he has written he clearly chose to give in to the "lust of immortality to celebrate the glorious deeds of other times (Einhard 1)." The bibliography is obviously written with the purpose of extolling Charlemagne and highlighting his virtues for the knowledge of the generation to come. The Life of Charlemagne commences by a description of the Merovingian family which used to rule France contrasting their flaws and weaknesses with the virtues of Charlemagne's ancestors. Einhard also admitted his lack of knowledge on the birth and childhood of Charlemagne thereby skipping the time span and concentrating on his military conquest (5). Charlemagne is recognized for his success in battles from his first military undertaking in the Aquitanian War to the Saxon War, Lombard War, Slavic War, and the War of the Huns. Through military force, he is also able to gain the submission of the Breton and Beneventan. Because of these victories, Charlemagne is able to largely expand his territory: "He so largely increased the Frank kingdom, which was already great and strong when he received it at his father's hands, that more than double its former territory was added to it" (16). Aside from conquering vast lands, the ruler should also be commended by winning the allegiance of several nations which is even strengthened by his fondness of sending them letters (17). He also enhanced the beauty of his kingdom through the construction of establishment including the Basilica of the Holy Mother of God and the bridge over the Rhine at Mayence (18). The latter portion of the bibliography humanizes Charlemagne by expounding his personal traits and characteristics including his looks, the manner of his dressing, and his private life. Eidhan gave a very good description Charlemagne's and his favorite food: "His meals ordinarily consisted of four courses, not counting the roast, which his huntsmen used to bring in on the spit; he was more fond of this than of any other dish" (25). After reading the bibliography of Charlemagne, I am able to look at a deeper side of him not as a hero but as an ordinary individual, who has flaws, is fond of music, and of giving. Far from the portrayed picture of him as a hero and saint in history books, the account is much more enlightening. The translator has done a good job from lifting the Latin version into English. The account is very much comprehensible, interesting, and enriching. Works Cited Eidhan. The Life of Charlemagne. Trans. S. E. Turner. 2 February 2008

Monday, September 23, 2019

The greenhouse effect and ozone depletion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The greenhouse effect and ozone depletion - Essay Example However, due to the fact that the earth is cooler than the sun, the wavelength of the energy radiated back lies within the infrared region of the spectrum. Most of this thermal radiation is absorbed by the clouds and other parts in the atmosphere and is radiated again to the earth. This entire effect is termed as the greenhouse effect. Due to this effect, the temperature of the earth is maintained at levels which allow life to be possible, albeit this effect is useful, the use of human activities, majorly, the deforestation and the burning of the fossil fuels have led to an intensified green house effect. This has ultimately led to global warming (IPPC, 2007). The natural greenhouse effect involves certain greenhouse gases. These include, oxygen nitrogen, carbon dioxide etc. As a result of the natural greenhouse effect, the gases present in trace amounts within the atmosphere play a vital role in raising the temperature. This phenomenon is of immense concern since it leads to changes at sea level, changes in the weather (Myhre & Shindell, 2013). The greenhouse effect is not only caused by natural factors but also by anthropogenic sources. This human induced green house effect is mainly due to the energy sector which plays the role of the second largest contributor of emissions of non-CO2 greenhouse gases. This accounted for 26 percent of emissions in 2005 (Myhre & Shindell, 2013). Further, the coal mining activities, waste from home and businesses and agriculture accounts for the release of the greenhouse gas methane. This gas causes global warming through excessive greenhouse effect resulting in a climate change. These climate impacts are in relation with the rate of temperature rise while other impacts are related to the extent of temperature rise (EPA, 2015). It is believed that the levels of CO2 have increased by 38% while those of methane have increased by 148% since 2009. These gases aid in increased infrared energy emitted by the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Overview of the Skeletal Essay Example for Free

Overview of the Skeletal Essay The purpose of this exercise is to learn the skeletal systems and the components associated with the system. I will be exploring the major types of bones and cartilage. Are there any safety concerns associated with this exercise? If so, list what they are and what precautions should be taken. Handle the microscope and the slides with care; when taking the chicken bone out of the oven use caution because the bone is extremely hot. The Chemical Components of Bone Questions A. Describe the effect that the lemon juice (acid) had on the chicken leg bone. The Lemon juice caused the bone to change colors and soften B. Describe the effect that baking (heat) had on the chicken leg bone. The bone is really dry and brittle; I also noticed the color of the bone changed C. Rickets is a disease where the bones are not formed completely in children due to a lack of Vitamin D. Does the heated or acid-soaked bone represent a child with rickets? Explain why. The acid-soak bone represents a child with rickets, when the bones aren’t getting enough Vitamin D the bones softens and tend to bend. When the bones harden back up they stay in the shape it was bent when it was softened. Exercise 2: Microscopic Structure of Bone obseRvations Observe the structure of the Haversian system. Sketch what is seen and identify the following: central canal, lacunae, concentric lamellae, canaliculi and an osteocyte. See attached photo Questions A. Which part of the Haversian system was the hardest to see on the slide of compact bone? Why do you suppose this is? Osteocytes are the hardest part to see on the slide because they are so small. B. Which structures in the compact bone deliver nutrients to the osteocytes? Canaliculi deliver nutrients to osteocytes through haversian canal. C. Which structures are found inside the central canal? Cerebrospinal fluid; Spinal cord Exercise 3: Structure of a Long Bone obseRvations A. From step 4 in the procedures Observe the epiphysis. Identify as many of the following structures as possible: articular cartilage, compact bone, spongy bone and bone marrow. Make a sketch of the bone in the Lab Report and label the structures you identified. See Attached photo B. From step 5 in the procedures Observe the section of diaphysis. Identify as many of the following structures as possible: periosteum, compact bone, endosteum and bone marrow. Make a sketch of the diaphysis in the Lab Report and label the structures you identified. See Attached photo Questions A. How does the femur of the skeletal model compare to the diagrams in your textbook or this manual? The model and the diagrams match. The only difference is the sizes and the detail B. Using your chicken bone, how does the texture of articular cartilage (or hyaline cartilage) compare to that of periosteum? Note: Articular cartilage (made of hyaline cartilage) is found on the ends of the bones. It absorbs compression and allows for smooth movement. C. What is the function of spongy bone?

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Body Language In Intercultural Communications Cultural Studies Essay

Body Language In Intercultural Communications Cultural Studies Essay With the international communication becoming closer,except the verbal communication in daily life, we may encounter many body languages. These body languages can express their mood or even substitute one sentence. Therefore, in order to understand the intercultural communication better, this dissertation first introduces the relationship between culture and language, then briefly explains what body language is and its function in intercultural communication, subsequently, briefly analyses the differences of the same body language in different cultures. At last, the dissertation suggests that when studying English language, one cant ignore the huge body language, it will be helpful with our English study. Key words: Language; culture; body language; intercultural communication I. Introduction With the international communication becoming more and more frequently, Chinese people may have many chances to get in touch with foreigners. They always use many body languages with their talk. It is a funny phenomena. Shakespeare said Theres language in her eyes, her cheek, her lip, Nay, her foot speaks. Indeed, these body language not only can make their word lively, but also express the speakers mood, or even substitute a sentence. What the body language means when they use for communication?This is the necessary knowledge of English study. Any kind of body language is formed on the foundation of culture. Without understanding the true meaning of a body language, it will embarrass or make mistake. Therefore, this dissertation will analysis the differences of same body language in the different cultures and suggest to study English on the premise of understanding their culture. II. Literature review 2.1 Culture and language 2.1.1 Culture The definition of culture is evolving as time passes. In the west, at first it was used to describe some ability of person which represent a form of act. Then culture used to describe the real achievement of a instructed person. And in 1952, a book of Alfred L. Kroeber and Clyde Kluckhohn named Culture. A Critical Review of Concepts and Definitions was give a general definition based on more than 160 kinds of cultures definition which was identified by modern east and west academic circle. And in China, its meaning was that with the understanding of all phenomena of human social, govern the world with instructing and inspiring. In the Confucian concept, wen not only means word, but also refer to all the rules of etiquette and music in general. In ancient Chinese language, culture meant guiding people with ethics. Culture is a complex concept and changing with human social. However, the word culture is most commonly used in three basic senses: Excellence of taste in the fine arts and humanities, also known as high culture An integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon the capacity for symbolic thought and social learning The set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution, organization or group 2.1.2 Language Language is the important thinking and communicating tool of human being. With language people can keep and pass human civilization achievement. In general, any nation has its own language. It is a notable character of a nation and has long history. Language is closely related with thought. It is the carrier and exhibition form of thought. Language is a social phenomenon with stability and nationality. Though many animals can make sound to express their emotion or deliver message, these sounds are regular without change. Only person have language and can combine all the sounds that have no meaning to become a meaningful morpheme, then put these morphemes together in many ways to form utterance. Using infinite changing form to express infinite changing meaning. 2.1.3 The relationship between language and culture Culture and language are mutual dependence and can not be separated. Language is part of culture, it is the media of culture communication. We use language to communicate, and language is largely influenced by culture. The relationship between culture and language is on the foundation of nation. A nation produces language, at the same time produces culture. Edward Sapir thought that language can not exist without culture. The culture we talk about is social custom and belief. It can decide our life structure. Linguistician Palmer said that language faithfully reflects all the history and culture, game and amusement, belief and prejudice of a nation. As a part of nations culture, language reflects the nations visage, at the same time, language reflects the content of culture as form. Language is the important carrier of culture. Other carriers such as historical site, book, or painting, only show part or even a corner of culture. But language stores all the information of culture comprehensively. Language consists of voice, vocabulary and grammar. Vocabulary, especially the notional word, bear the important responsibility of carrying culture. Time passes, and many new words are coming into being, such as virtual floating, means netizens put their worries and secrets in the virtual bottle without knowing who will get it. All of these are anonymous. And kickback, the original of this word is that the International Olympic Committee will open an ethics investigation into Issa Hayatou over allegations the African football official took kickbacks from FIFAs former marketing agency. But these new words hardly possible become part of culture. Only those language fact that integrate into the bottom life deeply, chosen and washed out by history, enter the basic nation voc abulary is the sign of language affect culture profoundly. For example, Buddhism have been spreaded about 2000 years. Some words like free, retribution, disengagement, hell are coming from Buddhism. These words have already integrated into Chinese become part of it. Culture has effect on language semiotic system itself, language concept, thought and expression, and language learning. Nation culture is decided by the meaning of vocabulary. Different culture tradition and mentality have definitively function to it. Such as dragon, the western people have no favor to it, they thought it is monster, cruel person, stand for devil. But in ancient Chinese culture it stands for the son of heaven and the emperor, lucky and honorable. The reference content and way of culture are decided by the cultures person and persons culture. For example, Cantonese cant see snow for the whole year, so they do not distinguish ice and snow in concept. The northman say à ¥Ã¢â‚¬  Ã‚ °Ãƒ ¦Ã‚ £Ã‚ , and Cantonese say à ©Ã¢â‚¬ ºÃ‚ ªÃƒ ¦Ã‚ Ã‚ ¡. But the Eskimo who live in arctic pole always contact with snow and have a perceptive. There are more than 20 kinds of words used to describe different snow. As the carrier and express tool of thought, language promote the developm ent of thought, on the other hand, language is restricted by thought. For instance, Chinese say à §Ã‚ Ã‚ «Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ ½Ã‚ ¦, that is à §Ã‚ Ã‚ « and à ¨Ã‚ ½Ã‚ ¦, looking into the physics function of à §Ã‚ Ã‚ « and à ¦Ã‚ ±Ã‚ ½. But in English, there is railway train, look into the move way of rail and track. To understand the culture of English countries is the important step of English study. The research of language and culture is divided into language culture and language in culture. So culture is divided into two part: big culture and small culture.(Bright, 1976) Here is a form: language Big culture other cultural phenomena Culture Verbal language Small culture Non-verbal language Body language is the important part of non-verbal language. Non-verbal language and culture are learned behaviour and social custom that rich in long history heritage. The relationship between both have these characters in someone like Samovar etals eyes: culture and non-verbal language can not be divided. Many non-verbal languages are the result of learning culture. The shaping and impacting of non-verbal behaviour are always decided by determinate culture environment. It is very important to understand the relationship between culture and non-verbal language. (Samovar etal, 1981) Samovar thought that through understanding the basic represent mode of some cultures non-verbal language, we can search peoples behaviour and attitude. Through non-verbal language mode can understand a sort of cultures value system. Through the research of non-verbal language can exclude the narrow ethnocentrism. The most realistic signification of researching the relationship between culture and non-verba l language in intercultural communication is to resolve the culture conflict in non-verbal language. People always do not realize the learning of their own culture, but very sensitive with other cultures non-verbal language and easily produce misunderstand. Worth the whistle, the culture conflict brought by non-verbal language is serious than that brought by verbal language. Because non-verbal language always is the expression of sensibility and emotion. Samovar put forward that to resolve the non-verbal language culture conflict in international communication should remember the follow three principles when understand the meaning of other cultures non-verbal language: 1. When pay attention to the behaviour of a non-verbal language can not ignore that there are manifold non-verbal language cooperative work in real communication. 2. Anyone can not list and describe all the non-verbal language in any culture. But if we can understand exactly the information of some usually used non-verbal language under the international communication environment, it will be helpful to understand the necessary information. 3. Only understand our cultures non-verbal language first, can we understand other cultures behaviour. Under international communication, to identify the message of non-verbal language should avoid modal or only notice superficies. Be sure to keep in mind that any non-verbal language does not appear lonely, nor deliver any message consciously. Pay special attention to that when study foreign language, international communication activity, and international research, for the need of communicating, studying and researching, people have to make a summation and generalization of the non-verbal language of the same country and the same language nation to sum up some representative non-verbal language. However, in real communication, people must find that the non-verbal language in the same country and nation are not just the same. Even in the same area, it is differ in thousands of ways between the people in different occupations, different age groups and different culture levels. Such as America which is famous for multinational immigrant living together, their non-verbal language are ver y hard to be consistent. So as the different English country, the differences are more further. III. Body language 3.1 Definition Body language is a way of communication that body movements which use head, eyes, neck, hands, arm, foot or other parts of the body to express peoples thought and emotions. Facial expressions, eye contact and other postures and gestures are the commonly used body movement. In a general sense of word, body language includes facial expression, in a narrow sense of word, body language only includes the meaning expressed by body and four limbs. The assortment of body language was advanced by Ruesch and Kees in 1956 according to the basic component of non-verbal language. It involves sign language, action language, and object language. The other assortment was advanced by M. Knapp in 1978 through the analysis of some pertinent researching and literatures. That are body motion and kinesics behaviour, physical characteristics, touching behaviour, paralanguage, proxemics, artifacts, environmental factors. Subsequently, Jensen advanced another statement: body motion and gestures, attitudes to ward time, attitudes toward space, general habits in communication. The research of human body language can trace back to Aristotle in Greek. The formally research was beginning from Darwin. In his 1872 book The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals put forward that man and animals have many similar expressions. The systemic research of body language must come first Ray Birdwhistell. His 1952 book Introduction to Kinesics put forward the theory of kinesics. Made the body language become a coding system like verbal language to study the relationship between body movement and communication. Body Language of Julius Fast is a representative work that reflects the research result of body language. This book is known as the summary of the scientists research in the body language field. From then on, body language becomes a boundary science and produces new research result continuously. According to estimates, human body can make out more than 270,000 kinds of posture and movement. This is far more than the sound made out by human body. These postures and movements meaning are very complex. Some are definite and material as some are general and blurry. Some are used to communicate as some are used to self-express. Some are expressing emotion message as some are reflecting character and attitude. So the sort of body language is very complex. The body language classification method of Ekman and Friesen has important effent in non-verbal language communication educational circles. According to all the movements origin, usage and code, they divided human face and bodys continuous movement into five parts: 1. Symbolic movement: these movements have clearly meaning, such as the gesture express OK and victory. Symbolic movement always used to substitute verbal language. In general, they have distinct culture character. For example, the movement means suicide, in Japan, people use hand to simulate dagger to thrust the abdomen, and in America, people use hand to simulate a gun shot temple. 2. Illustrative movement: these kind of movements cooperate with verbal language directly to explain the meaning of the talking. For example, to emphasize a sentence, describe a thought, indicate a material, depict a space relationship, characterize a things rhythm and speed, portray a phenomena , describe a body movement, explain a sentences meaning, etc. 3. Emotion revealing movement: mainly through facial expression to show emotion or mood, of course the other part of body can also express these emotion. Express the emotion can repeat, exaggerate,deny the verbal language, or may be no relationship with it. Express the emotion always deliver the message of communication unconscious, but also can use it in communicating conscious. 4. Modulation movement: this kind of movement is used for maintaining or adjusting the talk in the face-to-face talk. It drops a hint that the speaker can keep talking, repeat again, explain further, speak fast or more lively, let other people have a talk, etc. In recent years, people pay attention to the research of the turn-talking in chat. Turn-talking means that telling the opposite side I want to talk; stopping the speaker changing the topic; asking the other side to give me a speaking chance; let the other side keep talking; telling the others that I have finish my talking and you can speak. The usually used movement is head and eye movement. 5. Adaptable movement: Ekman and Friesen divide it more further: 1). Self-adaptable movement: this kind of movement always happen on personally, such as, holding own hand, rubbing hand, grabing, scratching, clutching, nipping, whisking or gathering the cloth. In general, the emotion is more disconcerting, the pretty actions are more distinguished. Picking nose and wiping eyes belong to this kind. 2). Transformational adaptable movement: this kind of movement take place in the connect with other people. Such as, bringing or delivering, attacking or protecting, close or away. Leg movement can react that encroach, footsie or attack. Shaking hand or foot means fidgety that the person want to avoid talking. 3). Object adaptable movement: this kind of movement always relate to the using of material, such as smoking and writing. 3.2 The function of body language in intercultural communication As the necessary communication tool, body language has important function in intercultural communication. Bradford J. Hall(2002) summarized the mainly function of body language language: 1. Repetition: Body language can reinforce the verbal language by repeating the verbal message nonverbally, such as using a gesture, it can help the receiver understand the message easily. For example, when someone ask you where is the restaurant, you can point a certain direction when you say, the restaurant is north the library. Or we point to the question on the book we just ask. 2. Substitution: Body language can be used to replace some verbal language to deliver a certain meaning. When your friend meet a sad thing that make him cry, you can give him a hug. This is more powerful than any soothing words. 3. Contradiction: Body language sometimes can betray the speaker by sending contradictory message to the verbal language. The body language is often regarded as the powerful word than the spoken words. For example, we cant keep our face from blushing even say we dont nervous or we cant slow down our heartbeat if we are scared. And the teacher can find a student is wandering from the eyesight even though his eyes are staring the blackboard. So the body language is reliable than the verbal language sometimes. 4. Accentuation: It can force the power when you add a body language with your talk than only use verbal language. When you apologize to someone, if an apology show on you face, this can make your apology more conviction. In addition, body language can provide a complement to the verbal language. In some countries, you can up you thumb as the same time you give a admiration to your friends for his good performance. 5. Regulation: The body language also helps us to control the situation of our talking. For example, when we need a quiet, we can put our finger on our lip. IV. The analysis of the differences of the same body language in different cultures 4.1 The different meaning of the same body language in different cultures Here contrast some body languages that usually used but have different meaning. If you use a very awful body language, this might bring a badly result. 1. In China, up the thumbs means good to praise you are doing a good job, bravo and so on. It is same in many countries. If thumbs down means disagree, finish or youre game over. But in Australia, no matter it up or down is obscene. 2. Protrude the index finger means wait a minute in America, but in Australia it means one more beer. 3. Protrude the little finger means cowardly man in England as bet in America. 4. The V for victory or peace sign in America if made with the palm facing inward is taunting or sneering in England. It is very offensive to societys morals. 5. American people sometimes up head, palm facing down, index finger across the throat, it means Im full. I cant eat anymore. But it means decapitation in China. 6. When Chinese people communicating with foreign people, the most antipathetic movement is using index finger point the others casual. Indeed, the movement is in bad taste and impolite to western people. This is reproof and rebuke. 7. Chinese male like to put hands on other mans shoulder for a long time. And Chinese female frequently take other womans hand closely for long time. These shock the foreigners because they consider this gesture means homosexual. 8. When Chinese people receive or send a cup of water or a gift, they will use two hands to accept it to show appreciate and admiration. But American people dont care about whether use one or two hands. 9. When talking with American people Chinese like to put their hands crossed behind their back or into their pockets. But these gestures make the American think you are hiding guns in your hands. 10. Chinese may scratch their noses when feeling uncomfortable. This is confused the western people because in their culture this movement means Im telling a lie. 4.2 Some embarrassing examples due to misunderstanding of body language Under the same culture, people may have misunderstanding because of the body language, even the different culture. Culture difference in different countries, so the body language can express different meaning. If we do not understand the other peoples meaning, it will have misunderstanding and displeasure. For Examples: Tom is the manager of an American company in China. Recently, Li Lei, one of the Chinese staff makes a mistake at work. He is very upset about what had happened, so he comes to Toms office to apologize. Entering the office with smile. He says: I feel terribly sorry for the mistake. I am here to make a sincerely apology to you and promise that it will never happen again. When he said this, the smile always on his face. But Tom feels it is hard to accept and ask himAre you sure? Li says yes with smile. Tom is angry and saysYou dont look sorry at all. If you really feel sorry, how can you still smile? Li feels so embarrassed and does not know what to do. A Chinese student Wangdan and her friend, the American student Judy who studys in China were on the way to store. They saw a boy fell down on the ground. He tried to stand up while the surrounding people laughed. Luckily he was ok. Judy was worried but found Wangdan was smiling too. She was very curious and asked how could you laugh when someone else fell down. Why dont you help him to stand up and ask him whether he was hurt. Wangdan said, Because they know he was not hurt too much. But Judy still couldnt understand. She said, In my culture, if this was happen, we would do anything but laugh. The former examples are all about the smile. In daily life we usually smile, but in different culture, this ordinary movement can bring misunderstanding or some more serious results. When western people come across these situations, they will with solemn face to apologize or come to console the boy. Though smile means happy, it is the symbol for people in general, but in different culture, smiling in the communication are different. The western people think smile always means happy, high in spirits or think something is funny. But Chinese people often smile, because it not only means humours and satisfaction, also means embarrassment and protection, even a kind of evadable. So it confuses the western people, they say it is too hard to understand. In China, people sometimes use smile to eliminate embarrassment, also means never mind, and the person smile to self-mockery or play a joke. But if the affair is very serious, people will provide help but laugh out of court. So for the peopl e who do not know the meaning, this kind of smile will make them unhappy even produce antipathy. A Chinese student went to a American family and sent present to the child of this family,when he beckon to the little boy, yet the boy back off him. The hand movement is very abundant and with infective. Every gesture has its particular function. In the case, the Chinese student used Chinese gesture, which palm facing down and making a scratching motion with fingers to beckon. This is different in America that means to go away. When they let somebody to close up, their palm facing up or only move index finger. This is opposite to Chinese and may bring Chinese peoples repulsion. V. Conclusion After the briefly analysis of the analysis of body language in intercultural communications, we have a knowledge about the relationship between culture and language, and the influence of body language in the communication. The body language in our daily life is incalculable. Every one can use his body to represent himself. Body language is the same as verbal language to be the carrier of culture that may cause misunderstanding in the international communication because of culture difference. As an English major, to understand the culture of the target language is very important. Having the knowledge of body language will be helpful to us in intercultural communication.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Internet cafe business plan

Internet cafe business plan Java Net is a different type of cafe; and it is not like a typical cafe, will give an unparallel assembly for communication and entertainment by the medium of the Internet. Java Net is mainly established for meeting the demand of customer. The customer wants: (1) access to the communication and entertainment website and can get access to search the available information to the Internet, and (2) access to the internet at a lower cost so that they can able to pay and by this way that they arent separated socially, economically, or politically. Java Nets aim is to give the residential with a social, educational, entertaining, environment for universal communication. This cafà © will be established in the place of Central London. This business plan is mainly made for the purpose of getting fund in the amount of  £24,000. The subsidiary funding is necessary to start work on preparation of site and change, buying equipment, and to assess cost in the first year of operations. Additional funding has already been fixed in the figure of: (1) From the Oregon Economic Development Fund, we get  £24,000 (2)  £19,000 of personal savings from owner (3)  £36,000 from three investors (4) and  £9,290 in the form of short-term loans. Java Net will be incorporated as an LLC corporation. This will shield the owner thats me, and the three investors who are from outside, Doug Wilson, Luke Walsh, and John Underwood, from matter of personal responsibility and tax which is pay as double. The investors will be considered as shareholders and they may not be responsible spending investment of personally  £12,000 each. The funding which is related to the contribution of capital from the owner, shareholders and the Oregon Economic Development Fund, will permit Java Net to successfully establish and run business operations by year one. The large amount of initial capital investment will permit Java Net to give its customers to present it as entire characteristics of internet cafe. This cafà © is recognized as a unparalleled, up market, and creative environment is necessary to give the customers with an environment that will engender socialization. Successful operation in year one will give Java Net with a customer base that will permit it to be self sufficient in year two. Objectives Java Net has some objectives for running the operation for three years: * The innovation of an unparalleled, up market, creative atmosphere that will diverse Java Net from local coffee houses. * Give an understanding to the community about the Internet service that is what they offer or what their facilities are. * The establishment of an environment that will attract people with various interests and settings together in a common forum. * To provide a very good coffee and bakery items at a reasonable and fair price. * Easily available of internet resources and other facilities of online. Keys to Success The main factors which are involved in the success of Java Net: * The innovation of an unparalleled, creative, up market atmosphere that will add as the new features of Java Net and differentiate it from other competitors such as: local coffee shop and prospective internet cafes. * The formation of Java Net as a residential centre for communication, socialization and entertainment. * The innovation of an environment that wont restrain the user who are initiator. Java Net will set up its position itself as one of main educational resource for individuals wanted to find out about their internet facilities and alternatives. * Good coffee and bakery items. Mission Due to the increment of popularity of the Internet which is continually growing at an exponential rate, easy and low cost entryis rapidly becoming an essential of life. Java Net gives communities with the capacity to enter the Internet, take a cup of coffee, and enjoy Internet experiences in a comfortable environment. All ages and any backgrounds of people will come to enjoy the unparalleled, up market, educational, and creative environment that Java Net offers. Risks The risks consisted with starting Java Net are: * Will there be a need for the services provided by Java Net in UK? * Will the popularity of the Internet regular to grow, or is the Internet on less popularity? * Will individuals be interested to pay for the service Java Net provides? * Will the cost of entering the Internet from home drop so necessarily that there may not be a such market for Internet Cafes such as Java Net? Task 2: 1.2 Literature review: Java Net, soon to be established in Central London on 10th and Oak, will provide the community easy and affordable entry to the Internet. Java Net will offer entire access to email, WWW, FTP, Usenet and other Internet applications such as Telnet and Gopher. Java Net will also give customers with an unparalleled and creative environment for enjoying great coffee, specialty beverages, and bakery items. Java Net will in sort to all ages and backgrounds of customers. The instructional Internet classes, and the assisted staff that Java Net offers, will in sort to the audience that does not link themselves with the age of computer. This aspect of education will pull members such as younger and elder of the community who are quickly attaining involvement in the unparalleled resources that communicate through online have to provide. The downtown place will give business people with convenient access with their morning coffee and online requirement. Java Net is a privately under by Oregon Limited Liability Corporation. Cale Bruckner, the founder of Java Net, is the majority owner. Luke Walsh, Doug Wilson, and John Underwood, all sustain minority position of stock as private investors. Task 3: Information about market Java Net is meeting with the opportunity as stimulated of being the step-mover in the cyber-cafe market. The coherent quality of coffee, aggregate with the increasing interest in the Internet, has been established to be a gaining concept in other related markets and will produce the same results in that other market. There are some factors such as current tendency, habituation, and sales data assure that the high requirement for coffee will continue invariable more than the next five years. The quick development of the Internet and online services which has been found there is only the tip of the iceberg. The possible development of the Internet is tremendous, to the item while one day, a computer terminal with the connection of online will be as usual and requirement as a telephone. It can be 10 or 20 years down the road, but since the next five years, the service of online supplier market is certain to feel enormous development. As a modern cyber-cafe in London, Java Net will enjoy the spontaneous advantages of name identification and customer commitment. At first, Java Net will maintain a 100 % share of the market of the cyber-cafe here in UK. Since the following five years, competitors will access the market. Java Net has established an aim to hold more than a market share of 50 percent. Assignment 2: Project resources: Java Net will give full enter to email, WWW, FTP, Usenet and other Internet using for example: Telnet and Gopher. With the Internet system, printing, scanning, and introductory courses will also be available to the customer. Java Net will also offer customers with an unparalleled and creative environment for enjoying the great coffee, special beverages and delicious bakery items. Competitive Comparison Java Net will be the most Internet cafe in Central London. Java Net will vary itself from the strictly-coffee cafes in London by offering its customers with combination of Internet and services of computing. Service Description Java Net will provide its customers with complete enter to the Internet and usual computer software and hardware. There are some services of the Internet and computing available to Java Net customers are mentioned below: * Enter to external email accounts of POP3. * Customers can sign up for an email account of Java Net. This account will mainly be controlled by the server of Java Net and accessible from computer systems exterior the Java Net network. * FTP, Telnet, Gopher, and other popular Internet application will be used. * Enter to browser of Netscape or Internet Explorer. * Application of laser and color printing. * Enter to recognized and more using software applications such as: Adobe Photo Shop and Microsoft Word. Java Net will also offer its customers with enter to basic classes of Internet and email. These classes will be started in the afternoon and in the evening time. By taking these classes, Java Net will establish a loyalty to the customers to its services. The computers, Internet access, and classes couldnt mention half of the action if carried out of the environment Java Net will provide. Special offer such as: a good coffee, special drinks, bakery related items, and a comfortable environment will offer Java Net customers bring in the cafà © from the far away from home. It will be considered as a place to enjoy the facility of computing in a comfortable and well-designed environment. Fulfillment Java Net will attain the support of computer and Internet entrance from British Telecom Company who provided the support of internet service located in UK. That company will offer the connections of internet, network looking up, and the hardware necessary to operate the Java Network. Allan Brothers will offer Java Net with coffee material, mass coffee, and paper supplies. At this time, the contract for the bakery related items has not been finished. Java Net is presently managing with Humble Bagel and the French horn to fulfill the requirement. Technology Java Net will spend money in high-velocity computers to offer its customers with a quick and effective link to the Internet. The computers will be authentic and amusing to work with. Java Net will extend to promote and change the method to remain present with the technology of communications. Other main interests is connected with Internet cafes, which is the equipment art and it is available there and the other facility is that not each person has the pc of Pentium on their office or home. 3Future Services Since Java Net develops, more technology of communications systems will be included. The hypothesis of supplemental units has been responsible for in the present plan of floor. Since the need for connectivity of internet grows, on with the growth in competition, Java Net will extend to include modern services to sustain its customer base return back for more. Start-up Summary Java Nets costs of business commencement will cover the equipment of coffee making, site redevelopment and change, arrange capital to adjust with losses in the first year, and the equipment of communications require to receive its customers online. The equipment of communications is important to offer Java Nets customers with a quick link to the Internet and the coffee services which have to provide to create a large proportion of the commencement cost. And these costs will incur the terminal of computer and total costs included with their establishment. Costs will also be incurring for the buying of two laser printers and a scanner. Not only this, costs will be arranged for the buying of the instrument of coffee preparing. Minor additional instrument, a office grinder, one espresso machine which will be buying from other suppliers. The site at Central London will need the funds for redevelopment and change. A single calculated figure will be distributed for this objective. The restoration cost estimate will add the costs which is associated with preparing the site for opening business. Initial cost includes: * Computers 11 =  £22,000 * Printers 2 =  £1,000 * Scanner 1 =  £500 * System software =  £810 * Espresso machine 1 =  £10,700 * Automatic espresso grinder 1=  £795 * Repairs and restructuring: * Coffee /food preparation counters2 =  £1,000 * Information display counter 1 =  £1,000 * Drinking /eating counter =  £500 * Stools 16 =  £1,600 * Computer desks with chairs 6 =  £2,400 * Items of stationery =  £500 * Telephones 2 =  £200 * Cost of decoration =  £13,000 Start-up  £500 Cost of stationary  £50 Brochures  £500 Advisors  £2,000 Insurance  £700 Rent  £1,445 Coffee machine  £10,700 Grinder of bean  £795 Printer scanner, system software etc.  £24,310 Line of communication  £840 Fixtures/Remodel  £20,000 Total initial cost  £62,290 Initial capital Cash Required  £24,000 Initial stock  £2,000 Other Current Assets  £0 Long-term Assets  £0 Total Assets  £26,000 Total Requirements  £88,290 Location of Company and opportunities A site has been chosen at Central London in UK. This site is selected for various reasons, including: * Closeness to the downtown business group. * Closeness to trendy, up market restaurants. * Closeness to London over ground Station. Parking availability. * Renting cost is low  £.85 per square foot for 1700 square feet. * High visibility. These qualities are coherent with Java Nets aim of offering a main part of communication and socialization for the British community. Assignment 3: Implementation of the project: Java Net usually uses three crucial strategies. Firstly: they concentrate on pulling new user of Internet. By offering friendly environment to a new user, Java Net expects to teach and train a loyal customer base. Secondly, which is the most important strategy concentrates on attracting in strength Internet users. Strength Internet users are enormously associated with the Internet and its services. Here, a large group of customers get the service from the Java Net. Power users should have the knowledge, understanding and experience of web-browsing that novice Internet users feel interesting and exciting. The third and the last strategy emphasize on establishing a social environment for the customer of Java Net. A social environment, that gives entertainment, will assist to pull customers that couldnt usually concentrate about utilizing the Internet. In former in place at Java Net, the group of customers that occurred for the over standard entertainment offerings, will recognize the prospective entertainment scope the Internet can offer. Strategy Pyramid The following subtle offer a concept of Java Nets three basic strategies. Strategy pyramid graphics are demonstrated in the appendix of this plan. Attract beginner Internet Users Java Nets first strategy focuses on attracting beginner Internet users. Java Net plans on attracting these customers by: * Offering a friendly and social environment for new users. Java Net will be served through qualified personnel concentrated on serving the customers requirement. * Java net arranges a customer service desk will always be served. If a customer has any type of query or matter, Java Net personnel will always be available to do help. * Java Net will provide basic classes on the subject of Internet and email. These classes will be plan in such a way that can help novice users recognize themselves with these basic tools and the Java Net computer systems. Competitive Edge Java Net will focus on the strategy of differentiation to achieve a competitive advantage in this sort of cafe market. While offering the service of internet, Java Net distinguishes itself from other cafe and creates competition with all other cafes in UK. In addition, Java Net offers a relaxed environment with a coffee and bakery related items; differentiate itself from other Internet servicers in UK. Marketing Strategy Java Net will place itself as an up market coffee house and the most attractive service provider of internet. It will provide Standard quality coffee and drinks of different taste with a reasonable and competitive price. Because of the larger number of cafes in UK, it is necessary that Java Net establishes reasonable prices for its coffee. Java Net will apply the technique of advertising as it is considered as the main source of promotion. The cafà © opening with an add which will be a coupon for a free one hour of Internet usuage. In addition, Java Net will offer away three hours of internet using which is free use to novices who sign up for a basic to the Internet workshop giving by Java Net. Pricing Strategy Java Net mainly depends on the value of coffee and drinks of different taste on the analysis of retail profit provided by our supplier, Allan Brothers Coffee Co., Inc. Allan Brothers, which has been in this sort of coffee business for almost of 22 years and has established a proper pricing strategy. Establishing a reasonable market on the basis of hourly price, it is more difficult to use online because there is no such type of direct rivalry from another cyber-cafe in area. Therefore, Java Net will consider three main sources to establish the hourly charging rate. First, we concentrate the cost to use other Internet service provider; either it is the firm of local networking or UK online provider. The supplier of internet access applies various schemes of pricing. Some charges are fixed as on the basis of monthly hours, where other supplier charges the fee on the basis of hourly rate. In addition, some servicers apply a strategy with a blend of equally pricing schemes. By this, Java Net may promptly fix or charged more internet service fee for an individual at a monthly basis. Second, Java Net also concentrates about the market of other internet user. Third, Java Net may do a market survey on current market condition. By analyzing these three factors Java Net fix the hourly pri ce of $5. Promotion Strategy Java Net will mainly apply strategy of pull for increasing the consciousness and their demand. Primarily, Java Net has fixed its initial budget of  £5,000 in order to promotional sector which will consists of promoting to manage the coupons system for the free time of internet using which is free on the basis of publication of local and the promotion of house for example: providing customers the free time using more internet if the payment will be cleared initially by Java net. Java Net assumes that if competition increase that means new competitors access the internet business market, Java Net has to spend more money for the sector of advertising for increasing their sales for leading in case of market share. Sales Strategy Because of the retail business of Java Net, they recruit personnel for maintaining the transaction of daily or monthly sales and for these employees they should have the proficiency I computer or should have the good computer knowledge. There is another option on Java Net that is if the employees are not computer experts then they are trained by the expert technician of Java Net. These full time technicians of Java Net are always ready for assisting the customers. for distinguishes the services of Java Net from their competitors, they committed to provide friendly and helpful services which is considered as the key success factor for them. Forecasting of sales Sales: here, Java Net is mainly relied on their coffee item and sales of espresso in order the financial information supplied by Allann Bros Coffee Co to the Java Net.Their sales of internet are measured by estimating the hours total in related to the terminal on each day and after that they have to also estimate the numbers of hours of consumer use. Cost of goods sold: products which are coffee related, its cost of sales are mainly measured by the analysis of the retail profit which is mainly receive from Allann Bros. Coffee Co. here, coffee related items that is bakery items costs are the 20 percent of the selling price . The internet using cost is  £660 as monthly basis which have to pay as the networking fees to Bellevue company. E-mail account fees is also the selling price of 25%. Reference: Beardwell I and Holden L- Human Resource Management: A contemporary Approach (prentice Hall, 2003) ISBN: 0273679112. Belbin M- Team Roles at Work (Butterworth-Heinemann, 1996) ISBN: 0750626755. Bratton J and Gold J- Human Resource Management Theory and Practice (palgrave-Macmillan, 2003) ISBN: 0333993268 Mullins L- Management and Organizational Behaviour (Prentice Hall, 2004) ISBN: 0273688766. Bell J- Doing Your Research Project, Third Edition (Open University Press, 1999) ISBN: 0335203884 Best J- Research in Education, (Prentice Hall, 1997) ISBN: 0137740182. Kane E- Doing Your Own Research, (Marion Boyars, 1997) ISBN: 0714530433 Mcniff J- Action Research: Principles and Practice (Rout ledge Falmer, 2001) ISBN: 0415219949 Management Today (Chartered Management Institute) People Management (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development)

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Rising of the Earths crust is responsible for Producing Earthquakes :: Geology Earthquake

Rising of the earth’s crust is responsible for producing earthquakes, Submission of report for publishing. Earthquake is caused due to the movement of the land is a myth. The most important thing that is missing in this view is that there is no explanation for why earthquake occurs in the center of the land instead of the peripheral area. Actually the land is rising in different places. This is the reason why earthquakes occur only in the central parts of the land. To be specific, after an earthquake occurred on September 30th of 1993, in the village named Killari, it was found that the land had risen about three feet in height. This shows that the rise of the land is the cause of the earthquake. Earthquake is the effect of the rise of the land On September 30th 1993, the earthquake that hit the village, killari, situated in central part of India resulted in the death of more than eight thousand people and raised the land surface about three feet high. This elevation was seen in an area of around two kilometers. Why did the earthquake occur? The quake occurred only in killari, situated in central India and left two kilometers of land area raised. This proves that the earthquake occurred only due to the rise of the land. Apart from this, the pictures taken by the satellite before the quake showed that the temperature of killari had also risen and the pictures taken after the quake showed it to be normal. After the earthquake occurred, on the borders of Andhra and Karnataka white colored smoke emitted from the ground. Why did the land rise? Why was the temperature more? Why did the land emit white colored smoke? We know that the molten rock material called magma is found inside the earth as we have seen it coming out through volcanoes.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Insurance Fraud :: essays research papers fc

Insurance Fraud   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Insurance Fraud is becoming one of the top forms of fraud in America. Martin Frankel owned several mansions, luxury cars, and diamonds. He lived a life of complete luxury. A life of luxury that was paid for with money stolen through insurance fraud. Martin Frankel is one of the major contributors to insurance fraud. He constructed a scheme to embezzle over 200 million dollars from insurance companies in several states across the U.S. He began his first minor case of insurance fraud in 1986 and was not convicted until 2002 for insurance fraud, racketeering, and money laundering. Throughout his â€Å"career† he learned new ways to embezzle money and began to master the art of insurance fraud.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Insurance fraud cost Americans billions of dollars every year as higher premium. It is viewed as mostly as a white-collar crime but it can come in many different forms. People who usually commit these kinds of frauds are motivated by greed for necessity or seeking wealth and luxury. This may have been the case with Martin Frankel as stated by the prosecutors â€Å"he was motivated by greed, sexual desire and a lust for the high life: a mansion in Greenwich, fancy cars, diamonds the size of nickels, and several girlfriends†. In 1986 convince a businessman named Douglas Maxwell to join him in etablishing the Frankel Fund. The Frankel Fund was an investment partnership in which the limited partners had to invest at least $50,000 each. In 1991 the Frankel Fund failed and the Securities and Exchange Commission banned him from dealing with securities business for life. After that he using false names he set up the Creative Partners Fund LP. This fund was another scam like the Frankel Fund but the minimum investment was only $10,000 and it spread through a much broader base of investors. He and his partner Sonia Schulte formed a thunor trust to purchase insurance companies that where in financial trouble.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Martin Frankel made his millions from keeping the very large reserves from the purchased insurance companies and spending it for luxuries instead of investing it and buy securities. He built a large false insurance empire through using the reserves to buy more and more insurance companies and then transferring the money from company to company to look as if the money remained untouched. He called his scheme the Ponzi scheme after Charles Ponzi who became rich from a pyramid scheme.